Sep 11 2008

Mid-day post: Republicans are really getting up my ass lately!

They say nothing because they have nothing to offer America. Republicans have no shame as are willing shit any piece of shit out of their shit holes if it will keep them in power. You’ve got to love Rudy Giuliani for making fun of Obama for dedicating himself to helping the poorest communities in Chicago. Yeah Rudy, Obama is such an asshole for helping the poor yet somehow he’s also “elitist?” Luckily the Republican base will eat up any piece of bullshit that is served to them as long as it’s wrapped in an American flag and served with a side of 9/11 fries (formerly known as freedom fries). Fuuuuuuck oooooooff.

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Sep 11 2008

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale for thinking they are Jamaican!

Can somebody please tell super honkies Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale that they are NOT Jamaican? First they name one kid “Kingston” and now these turds can be seen pushing baby “Zuma Nesta Rock” around in a $1,500 stroller all over the mean streets of Beverly Hills. They act like they conceived these kids while on a weed break down at the steel drum factory.

In case you don’t watch the news, “Nesta” is Bob Marley’s real first name that was later switched to his middle name. Hey, I like Bob Marley too, what white person from the suburbs doesn’t own his greatest hits? If Gwen and Gavin REALLY want to prove they are the reggae fanatics they pretend to be I expect their next child to be named “Perry Toots Cliff Dekker Paragon Upsetter Stafani-Rossdale.”

Stop being such show off dickheads with the baby names already and name your next kid “Bob” or “Jill.” We get it, you’re cooler than normal people.

I wish I could remember why these two idiots are even famous. Weren’t they in a ska Nirvana cover band or something? They are so painfully boring I can barely continue to type… sleepy… so sleepy…

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Sep 10 2008

Mechanics at muffler shops who think “Hotel California” is about heart surgery!

Have you ever witnessed something so insanely stupid that you were convinced the government was doing an experiment on you? All you can do is cringe and look for the hidden cameras. This happens to me about once a day.

While at the muffler shop I overheard a discussion between two mechanics that made me want to grab an acetylene torch and weld my ears closed. “Hotel California” by the Eagles was playing over the shitty shop radio and mechanic #1 was about to pee his pants with excitement. You see, mechanic #1 had some sort of inside secret about this song that he could not wait to share with mechanic #2. Luckily for me, I was able to eavesdrop while pretending to read a copy of People magazine from 2005 – did you know Paris and Nicole’s friendship is on the rocks?

Mechanic #1 “Dude, do you know what this song is really about?”
Mechanic #2 “Hotels?”
Mechanic #1 “No. Dude, it’s about heart surgery.”
Mechanic #2 “Huh? I’m pretty sure it’s about a hotel in California, the cover of the album has a hotel…”
Mechanic #1 “SILENCE! It is about surgeons operating on a dude with heart cancer. Just listen.”

Mechanic #1 proceeded to present his flawless theory like this…
“Mirrors on the ceiling” = operating room
“The pink champagne on ice” = blood
“And she said ’we are all just prisoners here, of our own device” = ?
“And in the master’s chambers” = still the operating room
“They gathered for the feast” = gathering for surgery
“They stab it with their steely knives” = heart cancer surgery
“But they just can’t kill the beast” = dude, you can’t kill cancer

Surprisingly, or maybe not, mechanic #2 seemed to agree with this this guy and was kind of having an “ah ha” moment like how could he have been so stupid to miss the real meaning of the song all the years. I guess, like mechanic #1, he had forgotten about the other 95% of the lyrics.

Learn more than you ever wanted to know about “Hotel California” here, including a brief mention of the cancer theory.

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Sep 09 2008

Line beards!

Seriously, why? I relate to this kind of person so little that I don’t even know what to say. Come on, what is the point? These turds look like they are wearing masks – masks labeled “Douchebag Mask.”

The thing that fascinates me the most is the time and attention it must take to keep this ridiculous look maintained. You know the saying “you can’t polish a turd,” well this is sort of like “you can’t shave a piece of shit without it looking even shittier.” Why are people shaving SHIT?

After searching for photos of these creepy jerks for the last 20 minutes I just want to go cry in the shower until I fall alseep. I feel dirty and ashamed. If you could see my emotional state it would look like this…

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Sep 08 2008

Hole in the Wall!

“It’s time to face the hole!” Holy shit, it’s the end of the fucking God damn mother fucking world!

Have you seen the Mike Judge movie “Idiocracy” in which Luke Wilson accidentally travels 500 years into the future? Turns out society has been so dumbed-down that Wilson is now the smartest person on the planet. In this film the number one show on television is called “Ow My Balls” which consists solely of a man repeatedly getting hit in the balls. Turns out we don’t need to travel 500 years into the future thanks to Fox TV’s newest reality show “Hole in the Wall.” Thanks Fox, keep up the good work!

I’m sure you have seen the Japanese game show clip on YouTube where this concept originated. In the clip, a sad human who was once a tiny baby filled with promise is reduced to trying to fit through a hole in a wall. That’s the entire concept! THIS IS A PRIME TIME TV SHOW! No wonder most Americans can tell you exactly how many times Britney Spears has flashed her nasty beav but could not find Iraq on a map.

I saw the Japanese clips online just like everyone else and was mildly amused for about 2 nimutes but I just made the mistake of watching the full 30 minute version on Fox and now I want to set my face on fire. I had to use wires to force my eyes open like in “A Clockwork Orange.”

I think about my grandfather who fought in WWII and I wonder what he would say if he was around to see the important things he fought for, like “Hole in the Wall.” I know what his reaction would be, a swift kick to my balls. Ow my balls, ow my balls indeed.

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Sep 05 2008

Calm down everyone!

Some people really get their red, white and blue panties in a bunch when you dare question their new hero, whom they just heard of for the first time a week ago, so let’s go into the weekend with a rare subject we can all agree on – PUPPIES ARE FUCKING CUTE! Everyone hold hands and stop being such a bunch of pussies!

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Sep 05 2008

Sarah Palin and her bullshit!

Published by under Jerks

I REALLY don’t want to turn this into a political blog but I just have to write about this. I PROMISE to get back to complaining about important things like reality TV and various douchebags but this woman is making it impossible not to talk about her.

I am all for debate. In fact, intelligently debating the issues is one of the most important tools for progress. It forces the kinks to be worked out and should bring you to the best solution. But I will never understand the willingness to lie. It always seems the people who wave the American flag the hardest are the ones most willing to shit on it. What could possibly be American about lying to your fellow Americans in an attempt to gain power? People are calling Sarah Palin “relatedable” but I can’t relate to her desire to drag this election into the toilet at all. I’m proud to not relate to this woman.

A writer for the Associated Press decided to fact check Palin and her Republican buddies “facts” and what do you know, they are full of shit. Everyone’s favorite fishing mom or hockey mom or whatever the fuck she calls herself is not the “oh so pure” maverick she pretends to be.

I’m so sick of this brand of politics. It is a direct FUCK YOU to the American people who are currently in great need for honest and intelligent leadership. It’s not easy to say too many bad things about Obama so they resort to twisting the truth and outright lying.

Read about the truth behind their crap here

I will complain about something more awesome tomorrow, possibly the fact that Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale think they are Jamaican. Fuck off.

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Sep 04 2008

PBS for getting rid of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood!

Well it’s official, I hate everyone in modern society. PBS is going to stop syndicating one of the all-time best children’s programs, Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, because of “declining ratings.” A spokesperson for PBS had this to say, “I’m a big fat asshole, and I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

Let’s get one thing straight (3 things actually), Fred Rogers rules as a person, as an educator and as a TV host. He was more than a host really. He created the show, wrote the scripts, wrote all the songs and even did the voices of the puppets, for 33 years! Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood was a labor of love and all kidding aside I think Fred Rogers was an incredibly great man. The world needs more people like him.

I guess I’m so pissed because here’s another example of how our society has changed for the worse. Kids need to practically have a seizure from bright colors and flashing bullshit or they won’t watch a TV show. You know what, that’s not true. Kids have not changed but what they are exposed to has. I loved – LOVED – Mr. Rogers when I was a kid and I know for a fact he helped shape me into the person I am today. OK, maybe I shouldn’t use myself as an example of a Mr. Rogers success story but he must have helped some other people grow into normal, happy people.

You know what PBS, Fred Rogers was there for you when the government was going to cut your funding in half. In fact he saved your nerd asses with a simple 7 minute speech to a Senate subcommittee in 1969. How about you repay the favor and keep this amazing, timeless show on the air.


Watch this clip and tell me this guy doesn’t rule.

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