Tag Archive 'john mccain'

Sep 12 2008

Mid-day post: Sarah Palin is unqualified! I mean REALLY UNQUALIFIED

I am REALLY trying to fight the urge to post political things but HOLY FUCKING SHIT is Sarah Palin unqualified to be Vice President or, god forbid, President. PLEASE watch this interview and try to convince me otherwise.

She sounds exactly like a student trying to give an oral book report on a book she never read. “Moby Dick is a book and a very good book. It was written on paper and touches on many subjects such as a certain book like this would do. It is a story that is good and so forth and what have you. It is a story about a whale and a boat and I guy named Dick who’s journey is vast and written in book form for all to read in this book. In summation, Moby Dick is book that has themes and stories about things that are in this book and it is a very good book.

Here is my favorite scary moment:

A longer version can be found here.

If this scares you, and it should, please share it.

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Sep 11 2008

Mid-day post: Republicans are really getting up my ass lately!

They say nothing because they have nothing to offer America. Republicans have no shame as are willing shit any piece of shit out of their shit holes if it will keep them in power. You’ve got to love Rudy Giuliani for making fun of Obama for dedicating himself to helping the poorest communities in Chicago. Yeah Rudy, Obama is such an asshole for helping the poor yet somehow he’s also “elitist?” Luckily the Republican base will eat up any piece of bullshit that is served to them as long as it’s wrapped in an American flag and served with a side of 9/11 fries (formerly known as freedom fries). Fuuuuuuck oooooooff.

10 responses so far

Sep 05 2008

Sarah Palin and her bullshit!

Published by under Jerks

I REALLY don’t want to turn this into a political blog but I just have to write about this. I PROMISE to get back to complaining about important things like reality TV and various douchebags but this woman is making it impossible not to talk about her.

I am all for debate. In fact, intelligently debating the issues is one of the most important tools for progress. It forces the kinks to be worked out and should bring you to the best solution. But I will never understand the willingness to lie. It always seems the people who wave the American flag the hardest are the ones most willing to shit on it. What could possibly be American about lying to your fellow Americans in an attempt to gain power? People are calling Sarah Palin “relatedable” but I can’t relate to her desire to drag this election into the toilet at all. I’m proud to not relate to this woman.

A writer for the Associated Press decided to fact check Palin and her Republican buddies “facts” and what do you know, they are full of shit. Everyone’s favorite fishing mom or hockey mom or whatever the fuck she calls herself is not the “oh so pure” maverick she pretends to be.

I’m so sick of this brand of politics. It is a direct FUCK YOU to the American people who are currently in great need for honest and intelligent leadership. It’s not easy to say too many bad things about Obama so they resort to twisting the truth and outright lying.

Read about the truth behind their crap here

I will complain about something more awesome tomorrow, possibly the fact that Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale think they are Jamaican. Fuck off.

14 responses so far

Aug 21 2008

People who make political decisions based on TV ads!

I keep hearing this week that John McCain has been getting better poll numbers and it is attributed to his attack ads. That’s great, way to go America! If laziness could be turned into oil we would be set for life.

“Barack Obama hates the troops, the TV box told me so. My research is done, let’s go to Wal-Mart!”

You know what, not a single political commercial should ever be watched, it is utterly pointless. What are you going to learn about a candidate in 30 or 60 seconds? You are going to learn that one guy has a dog and hangs out with hardworking Americans and the other guy looks evil in photos and uses the flag as toilet paper. Why are we so inclined to be stupid and lazy when it comes to important decisions? People put more mental energy into deciding where to eat lunch every day.

And what’s the fucking deal with John McCain and his fear mongering and spewing of misinformation. I guess I thought he was above that brand of gutter politics. I’m sorry but there is nothing LESS American than misleading the American people for political gain. Aren’t we all sick of being chin-deep in bullshit by now?

As Americans we all lose when we allow ourselves to be manipulated by political propaganda machines, right or left. We can’t afford to fuck this election up and if you are basing your decision for President on 30 second commercials I kindly ask you to punch yourself in your balls and/or vagina.

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