Tag Archive 'politics'

Nov 04 2008

People who do not vote!

It’s tempting to want “the other side” to stay home and not vote on election day but I would much rather see every person who is eligible get off their complacent asses and vote! The voting turnout in our country is shameful and embarrassing.

If you are an eligible voter and do not exercise this right then you are an idiot and you better keep your fat, dumb mouth shut on any subject pertaining to politics. You had your chance to speak up on election day but you decided to say home with a bag of Zesty Taco Doritos sitting on your tummy watching a “Cheaters” marathon. So keep your Dorito hole shut pal.

Like most comforts and freedoms in America, too many people take the privilege of voting for granted. And guess what? Casting a vote feels good. It feels GREAT! So get out there and vote your sweet ass off America, no matter who you are voting for. (but honestly, you should vote for Obama)

23 responses so far

Oct 24 2008

Mid-day post: Maybe it’s not such a bad thing to send Sarah Palin on a $150,000 shopping spree for new clothes!

Published by under Why?!?


Click for more Sarah Palin Fashion tips!

7 responses so far

Oct 20 2008

John McCain, Sarah Palin and the Republican party!

I would really rather be writing about something frivolous but I just can’t bite my tongue about this disgusting duo and what they have been up to the last week.

John McCain and Sarah Palin should be ashamed of themselves for calling Barack Obama a terrorist. Don’t try and argue that they are not calling him a terrorist because that is exactly what they are doing and they know it. They also know it is a lie, a bald-faced lie. In a freshly post-9/11 America accusing someone of “palling around with terrorists” when the well-documented facts state otherwise is reprehensible. It literally makes me sick to my stomach to think they are willing to sink this low. McCain/Palin rallies sound like Klan rallies as they whip the lunatic fringe of the right wing into a hate-filled frenzy.

When Obama becomes President what happens when one of these idiots decides to assassinate this man because fucking moronic Sarah Palin has convinced them he is a terrorist? Do you think John McCain and Sarah Palin could sleep at night without feeling remorse if that were to happen? I don’t know the answer, but I sure as hell could not live with myself if I was to sink as low as they have. How can they treat a fellow AMERICAN and a FATHER of two young children like this? They should be ashamed of themselves.

They are playing a desperate and dangerous game and I have lost ALL respect for John McCain. I never had any respect for Sarah Palin so it’s business as usual when it comes to her. How can this man who suffered in a cage for 4 years in the name of America be willing to SHIT all over everything America stands for? Not the most Christian way to carry yourself is it John and Sarah? Do you think Jesus would approve of such loose morals?

Let’s not forget that Sarah pals around with, and her husband belongs to, the Alaskan Independence Party, an organization whose founder said…

“the fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government, and I won’t be buried under their damn flag.”

Does this sound like the kind of person we want in the white house?

11 responses so far

Oct 15 2008

Mark Ciptak for naming his baby “Sarah McCain Palin Ciptak” without telling his wife!

Published by under Jerks,Why?!?

A friend of mine made me aware of this ass-munching, shit-for-brains, redneck today and I almost wish he hadn’t. This idiot, Mark Ciptak (pronounced Shit-Pack or possibly Shit-Tank), went behind his wife’s back and named his baby daughter “Sarah McCain Palin Ciptak” in order to “take one for the cause.” Sorry asshole, it was actually your poor kid who took one for the cause don’t you think? America, please say hello to Joe fucking Six Pack! I wonder what Sarah McCain Palin Ciptak will use as her stripper name in 18 years? Probably “Crystal” or “Cheyenne” like the rest of them.

Here’s what my friend said in his email, I thought it was funny…

“Way to go dipshit… maybe you can name your next kid “My Dad’s a Selfish Moron Who doesn’t Think About Anything Beyond the Next 2 Weeks Ciptak”… that is the next kid he has with his next wife. Make the most of your weekend visits with lil’ Sarah McCain Palin, fuckface.

There you can pretty much just cut and paste most of the above on your blog. Thanks for the credit… I guess i just made your list… sorta”

11 responses so far

Oct 08 2008

AIG executives whose luxury vacation YOU just paid for!

Let’s see if I can get through this without finally having a hate-fueled heart attack.

Guess who just spent half a million dollars on a vacation? You don’t know? You should because if you are an American tax payer you picked up the tab.

Less than one week after the federal government forked over $85 billion to bail out AIG, executives of AIG headed for a week-long retreat at a luxury resort and spa, the St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, California. Looks nice huh? I wish I could take a week off and relax with a massage and a leisurely dip in the pool but I’m too busy paying for AIG CEO Robert Willumstad’s vacation. I paid for Robert Willumstad’s vacation and all I got was his lousy dick up my ass!

How much is enough? I can not relate to this level of greed. While the rest of the country starves these guys have the nerve to ask for our food and then spit it back in our faces. Pure evil.

ABC News
Washington Post

16 responses so far

Oct 07 2008

John McCain needs friends!

Published by under Jerks,Why?!?

Why is John McCain calling me his friend? I’m not your friend. You never once sent me a birthday card or even called. YOU COULD HAVE CALLED, my friend!

More importantly, who is the attractive young lady in this photo?  I hope she’s not like 15 years old. If you know her feel free to send me her email address. Thanks my friend!

6 responses so far

Oct 03 2008

Rare POSITIVE post: Drunk History Vol. 4

Published by under Awesome!

I need to get the bad taste of Sarah Palin out of my mouth (I wish) so I am going to send you into the weekend with the latest brilliant episode of Drunk History. Maybe it’s the cheap Mexican beer I am currently drinking but I am in a good mood. SHUT UP JERKS!

2 responses so far

Oct 03 2008

Sarah Palin and her “aw shucks” Joe Six Pack BULLSHIT!

Published by under Jerks

I was going to apologize for writing about Sarah Palin two days in a row but fuck that, she is a joke and her inexperience and utter lack of necessary knowledge is down right dangerous. I will do my best to keep this short.

I cannot stand her condescending “aw shucks, you betcha” crap. Once again, I don’t want Joe Six Pack, as she calls herself, in the fucking white house. Joe fucking Six Pack just spent 8 years doing keg stands and playing beer pong in the White House and look where it got us. I want “Joe Knows What The Fuck He or She is Doing” in the white house and Sarah Palin is far from that person.

Did you see the Vice Presidential debate? She STILL refuses to answer a single question. Then she has the moose-sized balls to blame the “mainstream media” for making her look dumb. You know what lady, go back to your tanning bed and stop wasting our time with your nonsense. This is no joke Sarah. This is not one of your frivolous beauty pageants. America has suffered enough under Joe Six Pack Bush.

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