Tag Archive 'puppies'

Jul 02 2009

Oops I did it again!

Last night got a way from me and I didn’t get a chance to share my brilliance with the world. So this morning I decided in honor of the upcoming celebration of America’s independence, that I would simply post the “America, Fuck Yeah” song from Team America: World Police. Well, since I could not find it in under 1 minute on Youtube, I gave up. That’s the spirit! That’s the American way! However, I did find this clip. I think it speaks for itself. Either that or it says nothing, I can’t decide.

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Sep 05 2008

Calm down everyone!

Some people really get their red, white and blue panties in a bunch when you dare question their new hero, whom they just heard of for the first time a week ago, so let’s go into the weekend with a rare subject we can all agree on – PUPPIES ARE FUCKING CUTE! Everyone hold hands and stop being such a bunch of pussies!

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